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Find a sporting facility and class, fast and easy

The easiest and quickest way to find classes and activities whenever and wherever you are.

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The greatest choice with 214 sports at over 20,000 facilities across the UK. View sports

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Facilities finder app


Are you a sporty individual looking for a facility to play your favourite sport? Or maybe you're looking to start a sport for the first time?

Find a Nearby Facility

Want to know which sports or classes are around you at any given time? Like being active but travelling to somewhere in the UK that you don't know well?

Find somewhere you need, when you need it. Even those hard to find places that don't seem to show up.

Conveniently view all of the available facilities nearby as soon as you open the app.

Add favourites to easily come back to those you use most.

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Nearby fitness classes

Nearby Fitness Classes

Not only can you find sports and facilities, fitness classes are also listed with dates, times, and durations.

Tap the 'Details' button to find descriptions and clickable contact details.

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Filter nearby sports facility results by sport

Filter by Sport

Looking for a particular sport? Narrow your search by choosing a category and the sport you're interested in. You'll then see all facilities just for that sport. View sports

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You're in good company

British CyclingEngland netballFusionGLLGood GymMake SweatOpen SessionsOur Parks
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